The purpose of a consultation is to determine based upon the factual information that I obtain from you and coupled with my knowledge of WSIB legislation and policies; whether or not a case exists for any WSIB past, present and future entitlements. It is a fact finding approach.
The fact-finding approach is really no more than an objective assessment of your WSIB case.
The consultation takes anywhere between 10 to 45 minutes of your time.
Consultation Methods.
- Complete and submit the questionnaire that applies to the year of your work accident.
- Email the WSIB’s adverse decision, for my review.
- Contact my office and if I am not available, please leave your name and telephone number to arrange for a Telephone Consultation. Questionnaires below:
Email the questionnaire forms to for my review.
A) Years of accident up to and including 1989.
B) Years of accident from 1990 until December 31, 1997.
C) Years of accident from January 1, 1998 to date.